Wohnmobil auf der Straße vor einem See | insights by LAMILUX

Insure motorhomes at low cost

The choice of insurance policies for motorhomes is endless. With our tips you can save up to 20% on your policy.

Reading time: ca. 3:00 min.

Finding the right insurance for your own mobile home is not really easy. Countless products from numerous various insurance companies make the comparison difficult. But what do mobile home owners need to be aware of and where can you save the most money?

Mobile homes and campers represent flexibility and freedom, while travelling is both personal and convenient. The market is booming, which is verified by the number of new vehicle registrations in Germany: These increased by 7.2% in 2017 to over 24,000 caravans. Mobile homes increased by more than double the number with 15.5% (source: Caravaning Industrie Verband e.V.). The upward trend also continued in 2019. But anyone who decides to purchase a caravan or mobile home also wants to keep an eye on the subsequent costs – the appropriate insurance is also included here.

Caravan on the road | insights by LAMILUX

Liability insurance is mandatory

Every vehicle which is registered with a registration body requires liability insurance. It cannot drive without it. The insurance covers all property damage, asset damage and personal injury caused to other objects or people caused by the mobile home, for example in the event of a drive-on accident. The insurance cover amounts vary depending on the insurance company and rate. The more valuable the motorhome is, the more comprehensive the insurance coverage should be. The owner is free to decide whether to select third party liability insurance or fully comprehensive insurance. The younger the motorhome, the more worthwhile it is to take out fully comprehensive insurance, which — as the name suggests — provides full insurance cover, even in the event of self-caused damage.

How do you find the right insurance cover?

Initially this means comparing, comparing and comparing. Take a very close look at the tariffs: Which benefits are included and what is the amount for the cover? Is the insurance also valid abroad or do you still have to pay extra costs? Besides the well-known no-claims discount, there are other additional parameters which can influence the insurance premium. Some occupational groups pay more economical insurance premiums. This includes, for example, public sector staff or civil servants. Even when you park your mobile home in a covered and protected parking space, you can save money.

GRP secret tip in roof structure

On the other hand, mobile homes are constantly exposed to the weather on the road. Irrespective of wether sun, rain or hail: Roofs made of fibreglass-reinforced plastics (GRP) are the trump card in the hand in this case. LAMILUX fiber-reinforced plastics can easily withstand the weather ups and downs whereby, on the other hand, hail impact can leave a lasting impression on a metal roof. In addition, there is a discount on the insurance premium when utilizing GRP in roof construction. In the case of RMV mobile travel insurance, for example, there is a 20% discount on GRP roofs, including alcove or box vehicles. Utilizing LAMILUX materials in your caravan or mobile home will enable you to receive this discount, just ask your dealer for a caravan which has LAMILUX material installed in it. LAMILUX X-treme, for example, offers one thing special in addition to excellent UV and weather resistance: Protection against hail and weather influences which thereby ensures a worry-free holiday experience.