LAMILUX Rooflight F100
The well-known classic for the industrial roof

LAMILUX Rooflight F100

The well-known classic for the industrial roof

Benefits at a glance

Rooflight F100


  • The world’s first Rooflight F100 with certified watertightness in heavy rain and during storms (DRI 3.0 m²/s with a reference size of 120 x 120 cm)
  • Tested and classified according to EN 1873 (first European product standard for Rooflights) – e.g. for wind and snow load bearing capacity

Safety & SHEV


  • Our Rooflight F100 is BIM-ready – Download at
  • Safe and easy installation in different roof types and roof sealing systems

Optional: Aluminium and steel sheet upstands

Product configurator

Create an individual product variant, guided by a dynamic dialog with 3D preview in real time. Then share, request with one click or download BIM objects, 2D and 3D CAD models, images, dimensional drawings or data sheets in the desired file format.

Highlight for all planners

With BIM or without – the PDF data sheet with all technical properties including active 3D model, dimensional drawing and link back to configuration is the ideal all-in-one document of your desired product variant. Generate it yourself now 24/7.


Rooflight F100

Glazing types

Our range of glazing options for the Rooflight F100 system takes into account individual aspects according to the following requirements:

  • Incidence of daylight – Transparency and light diffusion
  • Energy efficiency / thermal insulation
  • Sun protection / protection against heat
  • Sound insulation
  • Self-cleaning
  • Safety – Fall-through protection system and optional burglar-proof

Glazing materials

  • Composite
  • Glass-fibre reinforced composite (hard roofing – resistant to flying sparks and radiating heat according to DIN 4102-7)
  • Impact-resistant composite


  • As a dark flap with GRP sandwich panel (thermal insulated, opaque)
  • Sun protection glazing (e.g. heatstop)

LAMILUX Upstands

The perfect connection for a wide range of roof types

GRP upstand: stability and heat insulation in many models

  • Available with upstand heights of 15 cm, 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm, 70 cm*
  • Seamless upstand
  • Complies with DIN 18234 without additional measures
  • Element pre-mounted on the upstand, ex works

* only available in certain sizes.

The upstand forms the base for the construction. It provides a thermally optimum connection to the building structure. Manufactured by LAMILUX using fibre-reinforced composite, our upstands are CFC-free, solid white in colour and thermally insulated with polyurethane hard foam. They include weatherproof sealing and are classified as combustible material with no flaming droplets. LAMILUX upstands have a closed box section, which makes them very stable and warp-resistant. Different metal inserts can be directly laminated into the structure. Secure anchorage for fittings is guaranteed.

LAMILUX upstands can be manufactured in an extensive range of variations with regard to height and inclination angle. They also offer many options for customised roof mounts. Example: Thermal insulated base flange – variable insulation thicknesses also available on request.

Connection technology used in LAMILUX upstands

Upstand connection details


Rooflight F100

Retrofittable fall-through protection grid

  • Can be retrofitted to almost all upstands
  • Mounting of the grid system DSG 1400/2000 thanks to an intermediate frame
  • Permanently fall-through-proof (tested and approved according to GS-BAU-18)

Spot welded fall-through protection grid

  • Element completely pre-mounted on the upstand, ex works
  • Recesses for ventilation drives or SHEV fittings ex works
  • Filigree appearance due to small retaining straps and thin bearing bars
  • Permanently fall-through-proof (tested and approved according to GS-BAU-18)

Technical details

Rooflight F100

DIN 18234 – easily achieved with LAMILUX

Energy efficiency

Optimum Ur-values are guaranteed due to the energy-efficient combination of the structure’s individual system components, such as the glazing, border frame, the sealing system and upstand.  This also largely depends on the choice of materials, component geometry, the overall construction design and insulation.

The isotherm curve graphically represents the temperature distribution within a component. The measurable customer benefit is visualized by isotherms, the lines of equal temperature. A relevant parameter in industrial buildings and similarly used rooms with comparatively dry room air is the 10.0° isotherm. This is because condensation often forms on surfaces below 10°C in such rooms. This temperature can be seen in the diagram as a red line. If it runs continuously within the construction, i.e. if no point of the room-side surface is colder than 10°C, the risk of condensation and mold is considerably reduced. The LAMILUX skylight dome design optimized in this way contributes to the energy management of the building and to indoor air hygiene when outside temperatures are cooler.

Optimised isothermal lines for consistent thermal insulation zones without any weak spots provide superior thermal insulation in all parts of the construction. LAMILUX calls this thermal bridge-free product concept TIP: Total Insulated Product.

LAMILUX Staircase smoke extraction

The simple alternative for staircases


Rooflight F100

Building tolerances Flat Roof Windows & Rooflight Domes

Building tolerances


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Checklist: Renovation of Rooflights



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EPD Rooflight F100 | Smoke Lift Rooflight F100

Environmental Product Declaration

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Rooflight F100



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Rooflight F100

DWG drawing


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Rooflight F100

Assembly instruction

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Rooflight F100

3D Assembly instruction

cn, cz, dk, en-us-gb, es, fi, fr, hu, it, jp, nl, no, pl, ro, ru, se, tr

Rooflight F100 W

BIM Download

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