Proper maintenance creates safety
A functioning smoke and heat extraction system is crucial for life in an emergency. In the event of a fire, a smoke and heat extraction system serves to clear the building and escape routes from smoke and heat. This prevents a flashover and creates thermal relief for the building.
The smoke escapes upwards by automatically opening of the built-in flaps . This creates a low-smoke layer in the lower part of the building. Breathing and seeing, and thus escape and rescue, are facilitated by this low-smoke layer. In order to ensure that the smoke extraction processes run smoothly, SHEVS must be regularly checked for functionality and properly maintained.
It is recommended that maintenance is carried out once a year. First and foremost, the entire system is serviced by carrying out a test release. In addition all moving parts, such as screw connections or piston rods, must be checked and maintained. Wear can occur in the form of leaks or deterioration. Regular maintenance of the machines is not only necessary for reasons of legality, but is also associated with a number of advantages on the operator's side. This includes, among other things, the financial aspect, which can be minimised by early detection of possible long-term damage to the machines.
Overview of the project plan
Step by step to maintenance